Kindle First: One Free Book Per Month

I'd had Amazon Prime for years before I discovered that Amazon will give you one pre-release book each month for free. It's true! You get a choice between a set of usually four-six books across different genres. It's how I got one of my favorite books: The Dead Key by D.M. Pulley. I'm not usually a fan of thrillers, but the Kindle First program allowed me to try a book outside my usual comfort zone without wasting money if I ended up hating it.

This month, the Kindle First book choices are between Everything We Keep: contemporary fiction, Rage: crime fiction, Doubt: legal thriller, The Daughter of Union County: historical fiction, Midair: coming-of-age literary fiction, and Emotional Rescue: nonfiction essays.

I chose The Daughter of Union County. Within the first couple of chapters, I discovered it was less Belle (progressive civil rights pioneer) and more Lemonade (rape-y wannabe Jane Austin; don't read that one, it really is terrible). It was definitely not my cup of tea. But thanks to the fact that I got it through the Kindle First program, I didn't spend a dime on a book that I hated.

You don't need a kindle to take advantage Kindle First, just the free Kindle app.

You can get a book even if you have an Amazon Prime free trial or a monthly membership. So whether you're testing out Prime or you just have it for a big holiday season, you can snag a free book while you're at it.


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